I just got back from doing some work close to Elgin in the North of Scotland. As I was away for a few days I took my camera with me. Having never visited this area of the country before I had done a little bit of research and had seen a few pictures of this rock, know as the bow fiddle rock which is just off the coast of Portknockie. I arrived at this location just in the nick of time and once again found myself running from the car to find a good vantage point. There was only 15 minutes till sunset and I could see that the late evening sun was perfectly illuminating the rock. So with only minutes to spare I took a few different shots.

The Bow Fiddle Rock
The image above was my favourite and is actually a composite of 2 different images.
Image number 1 (the rock) 24-105mm Lee circ. polarizer plus a 2 stop Lee ND hard grad
(35mm, F16, ISO 100, 1 sec)
Image number 2 (the sky, sea and foreground) 24-105mm Lee circ. polarizer plus a 2 stop Lee ND hard grad and a 10 step Lee big stopper
(35mm, F8, ISO 400, 65 sec)
I then used photoshop layers and masks to reveal the rock only on the long exposure layer. I liked the way the blue tones from using the big stopper made the oranges/yellows tones of the rock pop within the image.

The Bow Fiddle Rock 2
This time a single exposure using my Canon 24mm TS-E II and Lee circ. polarizer plus a 2 stop Lee ND hard grad. Camera Settings (24mm, F10, ISO 100, 0.25 sec)

The Bow Fiddle Rock 3
This time a single exposure using my Canon 24-105mm Lee circ. polarizer plus a 2 stop Lee ND hard grad
(32mm, F10, ISO 100, 0.5 sec)